Originelle Signaturen


P.S. Rechtschreibfehler entstanden nur durch die elektronische
     Übertragung und sind daher vom Autor nicht gewollt.

Win*ows 95: n.
    32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an
    8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor,
    written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

"Die drei Feinde des Programmierers ?
Sonnenlicht, Frischluft und das unerträgliche Gebrüll der Vögel."
-Spruch in einer Newsgroup.

God is real - unless declared integer.

The Linux NFS client, like ogres, has layers.

Old McDonald had a computer with an EIE I/O.

Who is "General Failure" and why is he reading my hard disc?

a += (x == '-'-'-'?'-'-'-':'/'/'/');

A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

         +-------------------+             .:\:\:/:/:.
         |                   |            :.:\:\:/:/:.:
         |   PLEASE DO NOT   |           :=.' -   - '.=:
         |                   |           '=(\ 9   9 /)='
         |  FEED THE TROLLS  |              (  (_)  )
         |                   |              /`-vvv-'\
         +-------------------+             /         \
                 |  |        @@@          / /|,,,,,|\ \
                 |  |        @@@         /_//  /^\  \\_\
   @x@@x@        |  |         |/         WW(  (   )  )WW
   \||||/        |  |        \|           __\,,\ /,,/__
    \||/         |  |         |          (______Y______)

There are 10 Types of People In The World; Those That Understand BINARY And Those that Don't.

Originelle Zitate

Weiss der Teufel, was da herauskommt. Ich schreib es Ihnen hin.
                           Prof. Spellucci, Numerik, TU Darmstadt

Communications of the ACM | October 2008 | Volume 51 | Number 10 | page 44

Without further qualification, the argument that we use XML, which is a widely accepted data format, and thus our interface is easy to use makes about as much sense as we use bits, which are a widely accepted data format, and thus our interface is easy to use.